Lockbit is the most dangerous gang of cyber criminals, created chaos all over the world

Lockbit is the most dangerous gang of cyber criminals, created chaos all over the world

Many things have become easier in the world due to digitalization. But this digitalization has also given birth to cyber criminals. Today, the data of common people as well as big companies and government institutions is not secure. Let us tell you today in this article about the world’s most dangerous cyber criminals gang, Lockbit. Regarding which the American police is claiming that it has broken this gang.

What is Lockbit

Lockbit is the gang of hackers which has taken over the world. Cyber ​​attacks were carried out on many big companies. This gang used to steal the data and money of big companies and then collect huge amount from them in return for their return. Many times when companies refused to give them money, they used to leak their sensitive data.

More than 1700 attacks

German News According to the report of website deutsche welle, Lockbit has targeted many government and non-government institutions in the last three years. The number of these institutions in the statistics is more than 1700. These include banks, schools, transport, private companies and government companies.

They even targeted defense and aviation sector company Boeing. Earlier, he had also attacked financial trading group ION. This group of hackers also targeted the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the US Finance Ministry. If we talk about India, India is at second position among the countries which are victims of their attacks. That is, they attacked India fiercely in the last three years.

When did they come to know about them

The world came to know about Lockbit in 2020. . In fact, during an investigation, its malware was found on several Russian-language bases of cyber criminals. Only after this the whole world came to know about Lockbit. This gang says that they do not work for any government or country. They work for money. Giving information on the darkweb site, he wrote that we work from the Netherlands and we are completely a-political, our interest is only in money.

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