Lockdown opened my eyes, started banana farming, now profit of 20 lakhs, became everyone’s role model

Sitamarhi. The Corona period and lockdown were very frightening. Even remembering those days makes me shudder. But even bad days teach some lessons. Some new paths are shown. Same thing happened with a youth from Sitamarhi. When he had to leave his studies and return to his village during the lockdown, he thought of doing something new in his free time and today he has become a road model for farmers.

Young farmer Abhishek Anand has become a role model for the district by successfully cultivating bananas. He not only strengthened himself financially, but also connected other farmers of the district and explained technical and economic mathematics to them. Seeing this thinking of Abhishek, the District Agriculture Department also keeps taking cooperation from him every day. Abhishek Anand himself does banana gardening in 8 acres. Now, under his supervision, more than a dozen other farmers of the village have also started banana gardening. Banana is now being cultivated in about 30 acres in this village.

Earning up to Rs 2.5 lakh per acre
Abhishek says that these days he is doing banana gardening in 8 acres. This is earning Rs 16 to 20 lakhs annually. He started it with just two acres. When he started getting profit as per his hard work, he started expanding the scope of gardening. The bananas produced by Abhishek and his villagers are supplied not only to Bihar but also to Nepal. Through horticulture, young farmer Abhishek, resident of Khairwa village of Majorganj block of the district, has created his own identity in a short time. Now he also appeals to other farmers that big money can be earned by using scientific techniques in farming.

Lockdown showed a new path
PG Agriculture student Abhishek Anand said that he too had returned to the village after the Corona lockdown. There was no work here. They were not able to understand what to do. I had technical knowledge of farming, so after some thought I decided to do banana gardening. After this, he contacted the District Horticulture Office for better producing breed and technical information about it. Then started banana gardening. He said that he took advantage of drip irrigation scheme for irrigation of fields. He tells that there was a time when Hajipur and Purnia of Bihar were considered the hub of banana. But, now gardening has started on a large scale in Sitamarhi also.

FIRST PUBLISHED: May 3, 2024, 13:52 IST

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