Lottery Result: 42 crores won from stolen debit card, luck was such that not a penny was found, owner became rich

Lottery Result: 42 crores won from stolen debit card, luck was such that not a penny was found, owner became rich

You must have heard people saying that no one can steal luck. If something is written in your destiny, it will remain together. Exactly the same thing happened with a person, knowing whom you would say, it’s good that it happened. Thieves stole a person’s debit card. Bought lottery ticket from him. They thought that if they won then the money would come into their account. But their luck was such that they did not get even a penny and the person who had the debit card became rich.

According to The Sun report, John-Ross Watson and Mark Goodram, residents of Bolton, used someone else’s bank card to buy lottery tickets. But when the results came, they started dancing happily. Both of them had won the jackpot of 4 million pounds i.e. 42 crores. A CCTV footage went viral, in which Watson is shown dancing and jumping. Mark Goodram is seen hitting his fists on the counter in joy. But his happiness vanished within a moment.

When a claim was made to collect lottery money
When Mark Goodram filed a claim to collect the lottery money, the investigation revealed that the matter was different. It was revealed that he did not have any bank account. When he doesn’t have a bank account, then whose bank card did he use to buy the ticket? Only after this the lottery officials became suspicious of him and started investigation. During investigation, Goodram told that the card he had used to buy the ticket belonged to a friend named John. John owed him money, so he took the card. That’s why when he was buying the ticket, he did not mention John’s name.

More sensational revelations in the investigation
But the investigation revealed even more sensational things. It was revealed that the card with which both of them had purchased lottery tickets was not John’s at all. It was a stolen debit card, which actually belonged to a person named Joshua. The thieves bought the card using the same. They were not sure that they would get trapped. Later, both of them created a lot of ruckus, but they knew that they were wrong, so they did not protest much. Later both were jailed for 18 months each. Watson said, this is very bad. They should pay us. After all it is our money. This company has ruined our lives. People are calling us scoundrels and laughing at us.

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