Lucknow Hazratganj Food Street: Delicious experience of Balaji Paratha Corner.

Lucknow Hazratganj Food Street: Delicious experience of Balaji Paratha Corner.

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Hazratganj Food Street in Lucknow is located on Sapru Marg and is popular among corporate workers. Balaji Paratha Corner is the most famous stall here, where Paratha is famous in Lucknow.


Lucknow Food Street


  • Hazratganj Food Street is located on Sapru Marg.
  • Balaji Paratha Corner is the most famous stall here.
  • This food street is popular among corporate workers.

Lucknow Food Street: There are many famous food street in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, but the food street of Hazratganj has its own importance. It is located on the Sapru route and here you will get all kinds of food. There is no need to go away. People come here from far and wide to have breakfast or eat food. Especially, it is very popular among food street corporate workers as there are many corporate offices around the Sapru route. People working here come and eat here in the afternoon.

Balaji Corner is very famous
Many shops in the food street of Sapru Marg are on the line. The most famous among the stalls here is Balaji Paratha Corner. The Paratha of Balaji Paratha Corner is famous all over Lucknow. You will not find the paratha here anywhere else. The paratha here is fresh and delicious. The special thing about Balaji Paratha Corner is that there is a good arrangement for sitting here.

What do people come here
Arun Saxena, who is eating food in the food street located on Sapru Marg, says that he eats lunch here every day. Arun says that the full plate is available here for only 60 rupees, due to which their full day’s meal is made. Along with this, Arun says that the full plate plate here is exactly like a house and there are very few oils and spices, due to which it is not harmful for health.


Lucknow Food Street: Balaji Paratha Corner is the most famous stall here

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