Lunar eclipse 2024 You can watch the last lunar eclipse of the year live from here just click on the link

Lunar eclipse 2024 You can watch the last lunar eclipse of the year live from here just click on the link

There is only a little time left for the second and last lunar eclipse of the year 2024. If you want to watch this supernatural event of the universe live, then we can tell you about a place from where you can watch it live.

Let us tell you, this lunar eclipse will be visible in South America, West Africa, Western Europe and the Indian Ocean as well as some places in the Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica. But, it will not be visible in India. However, if you want, you can watch this eclipse online even while staying in India.

where can you watch live

According to Indian time, you will be able to see this lunar eclipse from 6:12 am on 18 September. This lunar eclipse will last till 10:17 am. If you want to see this lunar eclipse, then you can watch it by visiting NASA’s official YouTube channel. Apart from this, you can also watch this Link You can also see the last eclipse of the year by clicking on it.

How does lunar eclipse occur?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth’s shadow to fall on the Moon. This phenomenon occurs only when it is full moon time and the Sun, Earth and Moon are in a straight line. To explain in simple language, when the Sun, Earth and Moon come in a straight line, the sunlight is stopped by the Earth before reaching the Moon. In this situation, the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon, causing the Moon to appear partially or completely blurred. This situation is commonly called a lunar eclipse.

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There can be three types of lunar eclipse

Let us tell you, lunar eclipse can be of three types. First is complete lunar eclipse. In this, the moon completely goes into the shadow of the earth. Second is partial lunar eclipse. In this, only a part of the moon is covered by the shadow of the earth. Third is penumbral lunar eclipse. In this, the moon passes through the outer light shadow of the earth. In this eclipse, a little darkness falls on the moon.

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