lung nodule is a small mass of dense tissue variety of factors can cause a lung nodule

lung nodule is a small mass of dense tissue variety of factors can cause a lung nodule

A lung lump is known as ‘pulmonary nodule’. Actually, when a lump of flesh forms on the lungs, a lung lump can be up to 30 mm in size. When its initial examination i.e. X-ray or CT scan is done, a white spot is visible.

The symptoms of lung nodules are as follows. A lung nodule can be a cancer. There is a possibility of its cure. The lung is small, so when cancer occurs in it, it gets cured after months of monitoring.

How are nodules in the lungs found?

There are three different types of lumps found in the lungs, which can be detected by scanning. When symptoms of lung cancer appear on the body, CT scan and screening are recommended.

What causes nodules in the lungs?

There can be many reasons for the formation of a lump in the lungs

damage to lung tissue

Lung irritation or air pollution

Inflammatory conditions caused by diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and sarcoidosis

Histoplasmosis and TB infections

The most common risk factors for lung cancer are exposure to tobacco smoke and radon gas.

Can you have more than one nodule in your lungs?

If there is a nodule in the lungs, it can be both cancerous and noncancerous. You can easily detect the nodule with a CT scan. A biopsy of the lung nodule may be suggested. Lung cancer often spreads to the lymph nodes in the lungs and chest, so it can be cured through surgery. Which lymph nodes are cancerous can be known only after initial examination.

Symptoms of nodules in the lungs

These include fatigue, loss of appetite, night sweats, fever, weight loss, and cough with sputum. If you also notice such symptoms on your body, then you should first get an X-ray and CT scan done. Antibiotics have to be taken for several weeks before a lung abscess is cured.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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