Mahakumbh 2025 has started from 13 January. Where more than 40 crore people are expected to reach. The government has made complete arrangements to handle this crowd coming to Kumbh. If you are also going to leave for Kumbh, then it is our job to give you information about safety in such a crowd. In such a situation, today we will tell you that if you get lost or any of your belongings or companion gets lost during Kumbh, then how can you get it back.
This is how you can find your lost things
Let us tell you that 10 computerized Khoya Paya centers have been set up to ensure assistance and security for the devotees during Kumbh. Apart from this, 5 employees will be deployed in the main model center located on the west side of the Sangam return route on normal days and 9 employees during Snan festival. Let us tell you that the information about the missing people will be obtained and uploaded on the computer, after which a receipt will also be given to the complainant. Apart from this, photos and details of lost people will be broadcasted on a large 55-inch LED screen. Apart from this, the administration will also take the help of social media platforms like Facebook, X to disseminate information.
Inquiry center is also present
To help people in Mahakumbh, inquiry centers have also been set up in the fair area. Every information related to Mahakumbh, Prayagraj city and fair will be made available at these centres. Apart from this, information about important centers like police stations, outposts, fire stations, hospitals and post offices will also be given on them. If a traveler gets lost in the fair, or his luggage is lost, he can go to the computerized room with the help of the inquiry center and get it.
Also read: Aadhaarβs AI friend βAadhaar Mitraβ is amazing, will make many of your tasks easier