Speaking from Uttar Pradesh, Naga Sadhu Digambar Maniraj said, “We have dedicated our entire life to God. In our country, those who have done PhD in knowledge are given the title of Mahamandaleshwar. After this come the Mahants who are responsible for the Akharas. We run the system so that no one harms our religion, a group of Naga Sadhus is created here.”
Maniraj Puri left home at the age of just 13. He said that now he has left everything for Sanatan’s purpose and welfare of his birth. He said, Naga Sadhus apply the dust of crematorium on their bodies to protect themselves from the harsh cold.
Naga Sadhu Digambar said that we are prepared like warriors. He said that in the Akharas, Nagas are taught to use sticks, spear, shoot and wrestling. He said that Nagas have been created to ensure that there is no harm to religion tomorrow.
He said, “We are surrendered to the Guru. We are following the path that the Guru has told us. We also have a Rashtriya Mahakal Sena. We have a very big group. We work to unite the religions. The Gurus We were brought up like a mother so we didn’t know much about family life.”
After becoming a Naga Sadhu, the life of Sadhus changes completely. Digambar Maniraj said, he has risen above material pleasures and all attachments. Now Lord Shiva is everything for them. We have left our family, but now the whole world is our family.
With less than a week left for the Mahakumbh to begin, the state police has launched an intensive investigation campaign in the fair area, especially around the Sangam. The government estimates that around 40 to 45 crore tourists, including foreigners, will come during the religious gathering from January 13 to February 26.
Published at : 08 Jan 2025 04:28 PM (IST)