Make tasty barfi this time, not orange juice, immunity will be boosted, the method is very easy

Make tasty barfi this time, not orange juice, immunity will be boosted, the method is very easy


Orange is rich in vitamin C which boosts immunity.
To make orange barfi, fry the mawa till it turns golden brown.

Orange Barfi Recipe: You must have drank orange juice many times but have you ever tasted orange barfi. If not, today we will tell you the easy way to make Orange Barfi. Let us tell you that there is abundant vitamin C present in oranges, which helps in increasing the immunity of the body, due to which even minor diseases do not spread around. This quality is also present in orange barfi. Orange burfi can also be beneficial for the skin. Apart from being healthy, orange barfi is also very tasty, which can be prepared and eaten in the summer season.
If you are fond of taking new taste, then this time instead of orange juice, you can try the recipe of orange barfi. It is very easy to make and orange barfi is ready in a short time. Let’s know the easy method of making it.

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Ingredients to make orange barfi
Oranges – 5
Mawa – 1/2 kg
Cashew – 1 tbsp
Almonds – 1 tbsp
Sugar – 400 grams
Custard – 1 tsp
Coconut grated – 1/4 cup
Desi ghee – 1 tbsp
Cardamom powder – 1 tsp

Orange Burfi Recipe
To make orange barfi full of taste, first peel off the oranges and separate them. Now open each orange slice and take out its seeds and keep the pulp separate in a vessel. After this, heat a pan on medium flame and mash and put mawa in it. After roasting the mawa while stirring with a ladle, add sugar to it and cook the mawa for another 5-7 minutes. Roast Mawa on low flame only so that it does not burn.

In some time the sugar and mawa will become homogeneous. Cook the mawa on low flame till its color turns golden brown. After this, put orange pulp in the pan and mix it well with mava with a ladle. After this add grated coconut to the mixture and mix. When the mixture becomes thick, add desi ghee and cardamom powder to it and mix while stirring with a ladle. Turn off the gas after the mixture is cooked properly.

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Now take a plate/tray and grease it with ghee. Now put the prepared mixture in the tray and spread it evenly all around. Put chopped cashews and almonds on it and press lightly and keep the barfi to set. After some time, with the help of a knife, cut the orange barfi in the desired shape. Tasty and healthy orange barfi is ready to serve.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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