Malaika Arora Father Suicide how many people commit suicide every day in India know data

Malaika Arora Father Suicide how many people commit suicide every day in India know data

Malaika Arora Father Death: Malaika Arora’s father has passed away, His father, Anil Arora, threw a bomb from the sixth floor of his house in Bandra committed suicide by jumping, It is being said that the incident happened in the morning 9 it is o’clock, As soon as she heard the news of her father’s death, the actress left Pune for Mumbai., The reason why Anil Arora committed suicide is not yet known, It is being said that he was ill for a long time, In such a situation, the question arises that how many people in India end their lives by committing suicide every day,

Every day so many people commit suicide in the country

government and non,Statistics collected by government institutions show how many people commit suicide every day in India, National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) according to the2021 The total number of suicides in India in 1,64,033 The incidents were recorded, The average of this is approximately 450 suicides happen every day, These numbers tell us how many people in India are affected by suicidal thoughts and face hardships in life every day,

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What are most reasons for suicide,

There are many social reasons behind suicide, Economic, There could be other personal reasons too, such as unemployment, Loan, And financial problems are one of the major reasons for suicide, Many people face mental stress due to financial crisis, that can lead to suicide, mental health problems such as depression, Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder, May increase the risk of suicide, People suffering from these mental conditions often feel lonely and hopeless, Family Dispute, Social rejection and relationship problems can also be causes of suicide, Lack of social support and family imbalance also increase mental stress,

Especially among the youth, the pressure of education and career can influence the tendency of suicide, Failure in the exam, Career uncertainty and high expectations from life can also cause suicide, Also, serious and long-term illnesses such as cancer or illnesses that are not curable, can also lead to suicide, Physical pain and not having a good lifestyle also give rise to this problem,

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