Man was making video on plane window, suddenly UFO captured, disappeared

Man was making video on plane window, suddenly UFO captured, disappeared

The debate between whether or not aliens exist is quite old. Some say that there are aliens, while some say that it is only a product of the human mind. Many countries are engaged in the search for aliens. Some say that America has information about aliens but it is hiding it from the world. No one knows the truth, but the discussion of aliens continues to dominate the social media. Recently, a person posted a video showing the evidence of aliens on his YouTube channel.

A plane passenger captured this video in his camera. He says that while making a video from the window of the plane, he suddenly captured a cigar-shaped UFO in his camera. But on seeing this UFO also disappeared. For UFO lovers, this video is no less than a gift. Let us tell you that at the place where this UFO was seen, a vehicle of the same shape was seen at the same place two years ago. It has been seen again in the skies of California.

video went viral
Conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring uploaded the video of the incident on his YouTube channel. The name of his channel is “UFO Sightings Daily”. This video uploaded on March 11 has gone viral. It was recorded by a plane passenger. Suddenly a silver square spot appeared in it. It was moving at its own pace. When the person zoomed it, he was surprised. It was moving towards the plane itself. This cylinder-shaped aircraft also suddenly disappeared.

disappeared in no time

very different design
Usually the design round of UFO has been seen. But its shape was like a cylinder. Also, there was no design like its wings, windows and plane. It just kept going straight up. Its speed was neither increasing nor decreasing. It appeared in the video for 18 seconds. After that it suddenly disappeared. Let us tell you that so far many such videos have come to the fore, which force us to accept the talk of aliens and UFOs as true. But till now no one has been able to confirm this. Now it has to be seen whether this new evidence is really true or it will also be forgotten by calling it a misunderstanding.

Tags: aliens, Good news, OMG, Weird news

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