mental health tips depression causes symptoms medications in hindi

mental health tips depression causes symptoms medications in hindi

Depression Symptoms : Today depression has become a serious disease. It is seriously affecting life. Due to this many diseases can surround, therefore depression should never be taken lightly and every effort should be made to avoid it. According to health experts, whenever depression is felt, some things should be kept in mind, because a little carelessness can increase many problems. In such a situation, let us know what should not be done when depression occurs…

1. Do not take drugs
Many times after going into depression, people turn to intoxication. They start drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. They think that this will bring them out of depression but this is the biggest mistake. In such a situation, intoxication should be avoided.

2. Do not stay alone
Whenever you feel depressed, do not stay alone, because this is such a condition when the mind becomes sad and one feels like staying alone. To avoid this, go out in the open air. Spend some time with family or friends. Do not suppress your thoughts in your heart, express them openly.

3. Do not overeat
Many times after going into depression, people start overeating. They may not even feel hungry, yet they eat too much. This can harm their body. Many problems can arise at the physical and mental level. Problems like insomnia, indigestion or gas in the stomach can occur, so try to avoid overeating.

4. Do not lie on the bed
When people are depressed, they often spend many hours lying in bed. This can cause insomnia, so whenever you feel like this, go out. Do exercise, yoga, dance or any other activity.

5. Stay away from mobile-laptop
When depressed, many people go alone and start playing games or social media on their mobile phones, which can increase stress and depression. This can lead to many problems. Therefore, whenever you feel depressed, stay away from these things. Spend time with people.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

More than 4 crore women are victims of this serious disease, most are unaware of its danger, know its symptoms

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