mental health tips people pleasing disadvantages know how to overcome

mental health tips people pleasing disadvantages know how to overcome

People Pleasing : Do you also keep trying to please everyone? If yes, then change this habit of yours from today itself, because it is almost impossible to please everyone. Actually, people pleasing can have a bad effect on your mental health. In this matter you keep troubling yourself. This can cause stress, anger and mental problems. Which affects your health only. Therefore there is a need to improve this habit. Know how…

Ways to avoid people pleasing

1. Learn to say no

If you are unable to say no to any work so that others don’t feel bad, then you will have to learn. With its help you can get out of people pleasing. There may be some difficulties in this in the beginning but in future this will become your strength.

2. Understand your priorities first

One should always think about oneself before others. Because of not having this habit, you never know when you become a people pleaser. Therefore, first of all give priority to your needs, objectives and well-being. This does not mean at all that you are being selfish. With this you are making yourself mentally and physically strong. By doing this you can help others in a better way.

3. Set limits on everything

If you are getting angry inside while trying to please others, then it will have a negative impact on your health even if you don’t want to. There is only one solution to this, set your limits. Avoid working beyond your capacity, otherwise the pain will increase.

4. It is not possible to please everyone

Understand this very well that you cannot keep everyone happy. Your needs and those of the other person may be different. In such a situation, if you ignore your emotions and keep others on priority, then he may become happy but you may become sad. It doesn’t even make sense. Therefore, do not compromise with your happiness and also take care of yourself.

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