miraculous neem tree – News18 Hindi

miraculous neem tree – News18 Hindi

Karauli. These days a Neem tree has become a topic of discussion in Karauli, Rajasthan. This tree has become a miraculous tree for the people in Bhankari village, located at a distance of about 25 kilometers from Karauli. People from far away places are reaching Bhankri village in large numbers to see this tree. The reason why this tree is in the news may surprise you. A milk-like substance has been continuously coming out from this miraculous Neem tree for about 2 months. This milk-like liquid is coming out in large quantities on its own from a stem of this Neem tree.

Crowd gathered to see miraculous neem
The people of the village are also making many claims about this tree and the liquid substance like milk that comes out of it. Most of the people of the village say that after drinking this liquid, many of their diseases are getting cured. Dozens of people have till now drank this milk-like liquid coming out of this Neem tree. Talking about the visitors, there is always a crowd in a house in Bhankri village to see this tree. People who have come to see this tree from nearby villages are also calling it miraculous neem. And they are also taking with them the milk-like substance that comes out of it.

This substance has been dripping for 2 months
Bhagwan Singh Meena, a member of the house in the village where this tree is planted, told Local 18 that this substance has been dripping from the Neem tree in our courtyard for about 2 months. For this reason people are coming to see this tree. Meena says that many people are drinking the substance coming out of this tree and many are taking it home.

This tree is about 25 years old

Rajesh Sharma, a local resident of Bhankri village, says that a milk-like substance has been coming out from this Neem tree for about one and a half to two months. People from far and wide are coming to our village to see this tree. Sharma says that many people are taking this liquid with them by filling it in bottles. He tells that this tree is about 25 years old. And this liquid is also coming out automatically.

People’s diseases are disappearing
Local resident Rajesh Sharma told in a special conversation with Local 18 that this liquid substance is naturally coming out in large quantities from the Neem tree of our village in particular. At least 3 to 4 buckets are filled with this liquid every day. Sharma says that the people who are drinking this liquid and carrying it claim that many of their diseases are getting cured as soon as they drink it.

Expert told the scientific reason for this
Dr. Sitaram Khandelwal, Professor of Botany, Government College, Karauli, said that this incident is completely scientific. Many times phloem tissue in plants gets affected due to infection by small insects or aphids. As a result, the fluid present in the phloem starts coming out. It is called β€˜Neem Toddy’.

Works like an antibiotic in skin diseases and fever
According to Dr. Khandelwal, a chemical called Azadirachtin is found in this liquid, which works like an antibiotic in skin diseases and fever. However, this process is rare and less commonly seen.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, health benefits, Karauli news, Local18

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