mithun chakraborty movie disco dancer box office collection 100 cr first indian film unknown facts

Disco Dancer Box Office Collection: Since the year 2010, if a film’s earnings cross the figure of 100 crores, then that film gets a verdict of hit or beyond that. It is not difficult for films to earn 100 crores in today’s time, but about 40 years ago, this was beyond people’s imagination.

If we talk about the first Hindi film to enter the 100 crore club, it was Mithun Chakraborty’s film. The film Disco Dancer (1982) created havoc at the box office and the songs of this film were super-duper hits.

box office collection of ‘Disco Dancer’

Many superhit songs like ‘I am a disco dancer’, ‘Jimmy Jimmy aaja aaja’, ‘Yaad aa raha hai…tera pyar’ are from the film Disco Dancer. Mithun Chakraborty got tremendous popularity from this film.

According to Sacnilk, the budget of the film Disco Dancer was Rs 2 crore while the film collected Rs 100 crore worldwide at the box office. With this, the film became the first Hindi film to earn Rs 100 crore. This was the biggest record of the film and along with this, the film and its songs not only gained popularity in India but were also liked a lot in foreign countries.

‘Disco Dancer’ director and cast

Babbar Subhash not only handled the production of the film Disco Dancer but he also directed the film. Mithun Chakraborty was in the lead role in the film Disco Dancer while actors like Kalpana Iyer, Heeta Siddharth Master Chotu, Om Puri were also seen in this film.

The music of the film was composed by Bappi Lahiri. Almost all its songs were sung by Bappi Lahiri and Usha Uthup. You can watch this film on OTT platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

The film earned 100 crores in a budget of just 2 crores, this record was in the name of the movie

Story of ‘Disco Dancer’

In the film Disco Dancer, it is shown that Anil’s (Mithun Chakraborty) poverty repeatedly comes in the way of his dreams of becoming a disco dancer. His mother is accused of theft and sent to jail. Many years later, when Anil’s dream of becoming a star is fulfilled, he restores his mother’s lost respect.

However, in doing all this, his popularity becomes his enemy. Mithun’s work in the film was well received and since then he was given the tag of a disco dancer.

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