Mobile Apps For Blind Users for daily life help screen reader navigation siri alexa and more

Mobile Apps For Blind Users for daily life help screen reader navigation siri alexa and more

Mobile Apps For Blind Users: In today’s time, the importance of smartphones has increased a lot. It is not only a means of talking, but is also very useful for entertainment, finance and even shopping. However, for those who cannot see, using these features can be challenging. But new apps and technological innovations have made their work easier. For such people, apps made to use smartphones are playing an important role.

It becomes difficult for people who have poor eyesight or who cannot see to operate a smartphone. But there are many apps that can help them use a smartphone. Let us know about these apps in detail.

Screen reader apps

Screen reader apps are very useful for those who cannot see anything. They convert the text on the smartphone screen into audible voice. This helps blind users to recognize different things easily. These apps also help in identifying buttons, menus and other things. Not only this, by reading and listening to the text written on the screen, blind people also get complete information.

Navigation & Audio Guide Apps

Earlier, blind people used to have a lot of trouble going anywhere. But now apps like ‘Seeing AI’ and ‘Be My Eyes’ have solved their problem. Seeing AI works like an audio guide, which recognizes the things around and gives all the information to the users through voice.

At the same time, Be My Eyes app is a virtual assistant service through which blind people can contact people around them. Through this, people can ask for help from people around them to show them directions etc.

Voice Assistants

Apart from this, voice assistants like ‘Google Assistant’ and ‘Siri’ can also help blind people. These assistants can help in controlling various things of the phone through voice commands. These voice commands help in making the daily life of the users easier.

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