monsoon dampness in house wall follow these tips to get rid of dampness

monsoon dampness in house wall follow these tips to get rid of dampness

Tips For Keeping Safe Walls From Dampness: People have got relief from the heat during the monsoon season. But the monsoon rains have increased the problems of the people. Heavy rains are occurring in many states. And this has created a flood situation. So in many cities, water has entered the houses. People are not able to walk on the roads. The roads are filled with water.

Rain has created a lot of problems for people. In this rainy season, not only the roads are getting flooded, but houses are also getting damaged. Due to heavy rain, the doors and windows of the houses are also getting damaged. At the same time, the problem of dampness has also increased. The problem of water dripping from the roofs is also seen these days. So let us tell you how you can protect your house from dampness.

Why does it feel damp?

Actually, during monsoon season, the walls get damp due to rain. Because good quality cement is not used while constructing the house. And neither good quality bricks are used. Due to this, the problem of dampness in the walls starts.

Many times people do not clean the roofs. And due to water stagnating on the roof for many days, dampness starts. So also due to blockage in the drainage pipes that go along the wall, dampness starts occurring.

How can we avoid dampness?

  • If you want to protect your house and walls from dampness during the monsoon season, you can adopt some methods. You can use water protection chemicals at places in your house where there is a possibility of more dampness. You can apply it on the wall by mixing it with cement. And after it dries, you can paint on it.
  • The place where water collects on the roof of the house should be repaired before the monsoon season. You can get plastering done at that place. Or you can get waterproofing done at that place too.
  • It is good to get the drainage pipes of the house cleaned during the monsoon season. Because this is the reason why deposits appear on the walls. If the pipe is damaged, then it is necessary to get it repaired.
  • Before the monsoon starts, you should check the walls of your house. If you see some cracks in the walls, you can fill those cracks with putty. You can also get water proof paint done on them.

Also read: Free treatment is available for many times more money than Ayushman Yojana, this facility is available in this state

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