Monsoon: What could be the problem if you have a runny nose during monsoon, how to get rid of it?

Monsoon: What could be the problem if you have a runny nose during monsoon, how to get rid of it?

The monsoon season is beautiful but it also brings with it a lot of illnesses and allergies, including a runny nose and sneezing. Although these symptoms can be bothersome, there are many home remedies that can help relieve them without the need for over-the-counter medications.

Inhale steam
Inhale steam can clear nasal passages and reduce congestion. Boil water, pour it into a bowl and lean over it, covering your head with a towel to trap the steam. Breathe deeply for a few minutes to get relief.

Saltwater nasal rinse
Saltwater nasal rinses can flush mucus and irritants from your nasal passages. You can use a store-bought saline solution or make your own by dissolving salt in warm, distilled water. Use a neti pot or bulb syringe to gently wash your nostrils.

Ginger Tea
Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce nasal congestion. Make ginger tea by boiling fresh ginger pieces in water. Add honey and lemon for extra flavor and relief.

Honey is known for its antibacterial and soothing properties. A teaspoon of raw, local honey can help soothe your throat and relieve coughing and sneezing.

Turmeric Milk
Turmeric is another powerful anti-inflammatory spice. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk and drink it before bedtime, it will relieve a runny nose and induce sleep.

Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil has a cooling effect that can help open up the nasal passages. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. Do not use eucalyptus oil directly on the skin, especially for children.

Black pepper and honey
Mix a pinch of black pepper with honey and consume it a few times a day. This mixture can help reduce sore throat and soothe a sore throat.

Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of fluids, like water, herbal teas, and clear broth, can help thin the mucus and keep your body hydrated, which is important for recovery.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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