In the police line, SP City Kunwar Akash Singh and ASP Amarinder Singh told journalists that the dead body of a woman with her throat slit was found in Bhojpur police station area on Wednesday. In this case, Bhura Kashyap, resident of Gaddha Colony of Kashipur police station area of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand, had identified the woman as his daughter Anjali alias Akanksha. The father alleged that Mohit Saini, a resident of Bungalow village of Nagfani, and his companion had committed murder.
Earlier, Akanksha had started increasing closeness with her husband.
He had described Mohit as Akanksha’s husband. On Saturday, Bhojpur police station arrested Mohit and his friend Omkar Sharma, resident of Bungalow village Nagfani. When the police interrogated strictly, Mohit Saini confessed to the murder. Told that he was living with Anjali alias Akanksha without marriage. Akanksha had started growing closer to her first husband. That’s why he was murdered.
The closeness with Mohit had increased in the absence of her husband.
Murder accused Mohit Saini told the police that he used to play football while living in Ganganagar, Rajasthan. He came home during the Covid period. His father works as a tailor and also runs a milk dairy. In January 2023, Anjali alias Akanksha came to live at his place on rent with her husband Saddam. Saddam used to work in a hotel in Delhi. In the absence of her husband, the closeness between Mohit Saini and Akanksha increased. When Saddam came to know about this, he broke the relationship in December 2023. After this Akanksha and Mohit started living in live in relationship.