More brothers and sisters means bad brain! Strange results came in the study, know where this research was done

More brothers and sisters means bad brain!  Strange results came in the study, know where this research was done

In an interesting study, it was investigated whether the number of siblings in the family has any effect on the mental health of children. Researchers conducted surveys in both America and China and found that families with more siblings have worse mental health for their children than families with fewer siblings. It also depends on many factors like the age difference between the children, how old they are. But one kind of result in both the countries is surprising.

This study by Doug Downey, professor of sociology at Ohio State University and lead author of this study, has been published in the Journal of Family Issues. The analysis included 9400 children from China and 9100 children from America who studied in 8th grade. In China, 34 percent of families have only one child, whereas in America, only 12.6 percent of families have one child.

Researchers in both countries asked children some questions related to mental health. In China, children with no siblings showed the best mental health, while in America, children with no siblings or only one brother or sister gave similar results. It was also found that the mental health of siblings whose age difference was very less did not appear to be as good.

The mental health of the child was found to be better in families where there was only one child. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

Downey says that if parents are considered as a source, then less or only one child will get the maximum share, whereas it will be distributed more among more children. And it also affects mental health. Families with one or less children get more economic and social benefits.

Contrary to popular belief and other previous studies, researchers found that when there are more members in the family. It has less good and more bad effects. Researchers say that before reaching any conclusive conclusion in this matter, more in-depth study will have to be done. This is more important for those countries where the fertility rate is low.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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