Mother-in-law angry with daughter-in-law, did such a thing to stop the marriage, no one can even imagine, but the stubborn girl did not agree!

Mother-in-law angry with daughter-in-law, did such a thing to stop the marriage, no one can even imagine, but the stubborn girl did not agree!

You must have often heard that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law do not get along. There are very few cases where there is no dispute between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. However, there are some relationships in which the boy’s mother starts disliking her son’s choice even before he becomes a daughter-in-law. In such situations, such stories come to light, which seem very strange.

It is not that the fight between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is just a daily soap story. Such a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama unfolded in Mexico that you will be stunned to know. According to reports, a woman here had so much trouble with her son’s choice that she had made it the aim of her life to stop her son’s marriage like a mission. You can’t even imagine what he did for this.

Mother’s obsession to stop son’s marriage
The son of a Mexican businessman fell in love with a middle class girl named Alexandria. Now he wanted to marry her but the family did not want the son to marry an ordinary girl. They thought that the girl was only after her son’s money. In such a situation the whole family went after the girl. First, the groom’s brothers and sisters started threatening the sister-in-law through fake accounts. She was given a blank check to break the relationship. The boy was thrown out of the family business.

Mother-in-law was even more dangerous
Not only this, the groom’s mother also faked a heart attack and said that this was happening because of her son. Despite this, when the couple did not back out from the marriage, the mother hired some goons. Before the wedding, they stopped the bride’s car and poured red paint on it and spoiled her clothes. However, the girl changed her clothes here too and arrived in a golden color dress. At present both of them got married but the pictures and story went viral on social media.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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