Mother, son and daughter had all three, the disease with ‘Pa film’, today the same is alive, at the age of 40, it looks like a hundred!

Mother, son and daughter had all three, the disease with ‘Pa film’, today the same is alive, at the age of 40, it looks like a hundred!

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Tiffany Vedecind is a projector’s disease, which makes the body rapidly old. 47 -year -old Tiffany is survived by this disease in his family. This disease was also to his mother and his brother. But now they are left. They are a businessman …Read more

In this disease, a person increases old age. (Instagram)


  • Tiffany Vedecind has a projeria disease
  • Because of this, his body is getting very fast.
  • Tiffany is a businessman and wants to focus on life

There are very few people in the world who have this disease. In India, this disease was discussed due to the film. In this, the human body grows many times faster than his age. In the film, Amitabh Bachchan played a role of a child who was a disease in millions. But in real life, three people of a family had this disease. Today only one of those three is alive. And the amazing thing is that he has crossed 47, while people of this disorder die in their adolescence.

Only daughter is left today
In a family, this genetic mutation disorder was one mother and daughter of all three. But today only the daughter is left in the world and even after all the sufferings, Tiffany Vedecind is living a good life and she wants to focus on life instead of her disease. According to him, it is a matter of luck to have age.

When found about the disease
Tiffany has Hachinson-Gilford Proseia Sindrome, which people in the world know more in the name of progeria disease. He was aware of this disease at the age of 31 years. It is in the year 2008, at the same time his brother and his mother got information about their disease. But his brother Chad died 2011 and his mother Linda died.

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