Motivational Quotes Sweetness Of Speech Get Success In Life Know Safalta Ki Kunji

Motivational Quotes Sweetness Of Speech Get Success In Life Know Safalta Ki Kunji

Safalta Ki Kunji, Motivational Thoughts In Hindi: Every person wants to get success in life. There should be no shortage of wealth with him and people should respect him wherever he goes. But sometimes your harsh words can spoil all this. Therefore, harsh words should be avoided and sweetness should always be kept in the speech. Because it also has a deep impact on your successful life.

If you are very successful and wealthy but use harsh words, then all relations related to your public, family, professional and social life may get spoiled. This will affect your success and will also increase your problems. Not only this, bitter words also destroy the chances of success.

Why is sweetness in speech important?

You must have heard a saying thatOnce the arrow leaves the bow and the mouth from the tongue, it never comes back. That’s why speak such speech and words that do not harm you and also do not hurt the person in front of you by your words. Regarding sweetness in speech, Kabir Das says in his couplets…

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‘Speak in such a way that you lose your temper,
Make others cool and you will be cool.’

the meaning is: Always use such speech (words) which calms the anger of others, which gives coolness to others and also makes you feel coolness.

,sweet words are medicine, bitter words are arrows,
The gross body should be the hearing door.

the meaning is: Sweet words are like medicine which cures diseases. While bitter words pierce straight into the heart like an arrow. Kabir Das says that the sweet speech spoken by us reaches the body through the ears and affects it.

Kaga Kako Dhan Hari, Cuckoo Kako Det.
sweet words, Make the world yours.

the meaning is: The color of both crow and cuckoo is same black and both are birds. Kabir Das says in this couplet that neither the crow snatches anyone’s money nor the cuckoo gives money to anyone. But the crow’s voice is hoarse and the cuckoo’s voice is melodious, due to which it fascinates everyone.

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