Munawwar Rana was suffering from chronic kidney disease for a long time, know its initial symptoms.

Munawwar Rana was suffering from chronic kidney disease for a long time, know its initial symptoms.

Famous poet Munawwar Rana died of a heart attack at PGI Hospital in Lucknow late on Sunday night. He was 71 years old.  He was admitted since January 9. Before that, he was admitted in Medanta, Lucknow. It is being said that he was suffering from kidney disease for a long time.  For your information, let us tell you that Munawwar Rana was one of the famous poets of the country. He has been honored with Sahitya Akademi and Mati Ratan. For the last few years, he was in the headlines for his anti-government statements. Munawwar Rana has written many works in Urdu, Awadhi and Hindi. The news of his demise was given by his daughter Sumaiya Rana. 

Which disease did Munawwar Rana have?

Munawar Rana’s daughter had a special conversation with the media about his illness. In which he told that he used to undergo dialysis three times a week. He was suffering from chronic kidney disease for a long time. Due to which he had a lot of difficulty in breathing.  The poet was suffering from chronic illness for the last several months and was undergoing treatment in PGI hospital. He was suffering from kidney and heart diseases for a long time.

Munawar Rana was suffering from chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease i.e. the kidneys were not functioning properly. Chronic kidney disease means the kidneys gradually stop functioning. Kidney failure occurs in chronic kidney disease. Which is also called end-stage kidney disease. This often happens due to high BP and diabetes CKD. There is no cure for CKD. The ultimate treatment for kidney disease is dialysis. Or kidney transplant. 

Early symptoms of kidney disease

Fatigue occurs due to lack of iron and nutrients in the body and also due to kidney problems. Therefore, to know the reason behind your feeling tired all the time, consult your doctor in time. Because when the kidneys do not function properly, there is a deficiency of red cells in the blood. These cells play a major role in maintaining the oxygen level in the blood. When there is less oxygen in the blood, the body starts feeling tired.

Out of breath

Due to lack of oxygen in the blood, breathing becomes labored. Or feel problem in breathing. It may also feel as if the breaths are coming very short. Such symptoms occur due to lack of red blood cells in the blood. Therefore, this respiratory problem can also be a symptom of kidney disease.

Skin related problems

Extreme itching on the skin, excessive rashes, rashes etc. can also be symptoms of kidney problems. Because the kidney purifies the blood, separates the toxic elements and removes them from the body through urine. But due to this not happening in case of illness or infection, these problems start occurring on the skin. Therefore, if these symptoms appear on the skin, contact the doctor immediately.

Changing the color of the toilet

One of the main functions of the kidneys is to filter urine. When infection or any disease is developing in the kidneys, it also affects the color of your urine and such changes are seen.

Swelling around the eyes

Puffy eye syndrome means that the kidneys are storing a lot of protein and supplying it to the toilet. 

Blood in urine

Kidney filters urine. Works to separate water from blood. In such a situation, if blood starts coming in the toilet, then you should be careful. And these can be early signs of kidney disease. 

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