Munger News: Bablu sells idli and spicy chutney by bicycle, the eaters wait for their arrival

Munger News: Bablu sells idli and spicy chutney by bicycle, the eaters wait for their arrival

Report- Siddhant Raj

Munger: The street food culture has fully established itself. People are also liking it. Especially the pleasure of eating while standing on the roadside is different. You will find many such spicy food shops on the roadside where there is a crowd to eat. Now even in the streets of cities and villages, the trend of selling delicious dishes has increased with the help of cycles, handcarts, bikes and other means.

And these days a person is selling idli and chutney with South Indian taste on a bicycle. Balram Sah, a resident of Banka, has made the people of Munger crazy with his delicious idli and chutney. Their idlis are soft and tasty, and the special thing is that the chutney served with idli tastes completely different. A crowd of people gathers to eat it.

Idli and chutney are fed in the summer season
Balram Sah, a resident of Bhalua village under Banka district, sells idli and chutney prepared by himself by going to 4 to 5 blocks of Munger and Banka for many years. However, in the cold season, Balram also feeds delicious sambar to people along with his idli, chutney. But it is hot right now, so the sambar is not being served to the customers due to the possibility of spoilage. Right now Idli is served only with chutney. Still people like to eat Bablu i.e. Balram Sah’s Idli and white colored delicious chutney.

sells 150 plates of idli by roaming around on a bicycle

Idli seller Bablu Sah told that two pieces of idli and chutney are served to the customer in a plate. Idli is made from urad dal and rice. When asked the secret of the delicious chutney, he told that the chutney served with idli is prepared by mixing chana dal, almonds and coconut and adding some secret masala to it.

He also told that every day idlis are sold in different markets by using cycles. People like Idli very much and people say that set up a shop at one place for the whole week. He told that idli shops are set up in different markets because people wait to eat. Bablu Sah told that 150 plates of idli and chutney are sold daily. 15 rupees per plate serves idli and chutney to the customers and earns around one thousand daily.

Tags: Bihar News, food, Munger News

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