Muslim Holy Book Quran Burned In Sweden Pakistan Saudi Arabia Iran Qatar How Muslim Country Reacts

Muslim Holy Book Quran Burned In Sweden Pakistan Saudi Arabia Iran Qatar How Muslim Country Reacts

Quran Burning Issue: Recently Sweden is trying to join NATO. Regarding this, the dispute related to NATO between Turkey and Sweden got connected with the demonstrations. A member can join NATO only when all the members agree. Meanwhile, Turkey is protesting against Sweden joining NATO.

The controversy over joining Sweden with NATO started from Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Where the people involved in the protest demonstrated outside the Turkish Embassy. During this demonstration, Stram Kurs Rasmus Paludan, leader of the far-right Danish political party, burnt the Quran. Many Muslim countries have condemned Sweden for burning the Quran. Responding to this, some supporters of Turkey burnt the national flag of Sweden.

Which Muslim countries reacted to the burning of Quran

The Quran is the most sacred book for the Muslim religion. Because of this, most of the Muslim countries present in the world have registered their reaction against Sweden. In this, other countries including Turkey, Pakistan have objected to the burning of Quran.

Pakistan- On burning Quran, Pakistan said that such work hurts the religious sensibilities of 1.5 billion Muslim people present in the world. Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that such things do not come under the jurisdiction of Freedom of Speech. In Freedom of Speech, many things are related to International Who Meterion. Pakistan said that Islam is a religion of peace and we respect and honor all the people in the world who are associated with religions other than Muslims.

Turkey- A statement from Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said, “Despite our repeated warnings, today (January 21) there was an attack on our holy book Quran in Sweden. We condemn it in the strongest possible terms Freedom of Speech Freedom of Speech It is completely wrong to allow this anti-Islamic act targeting Muslims and insulting our sacred values.

Kuwait “The incident hurts the sentiments of Muslims around the world and marks a grave provocation,” Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al Jaber Al Sabah said in statements carried by state news agency KUNA. He urged the international community to stop such outrageous acts and take responsibility to condemn all forms of hate extremism and hold the perpetrators to account.

Saudi Arab- “Saudi Arabia urges to spread the values ​​of dialogue, tolerance and coexistence and rejects hatred and extremism,” the Saudi foreign ministry said in a statement. The UAE said it was against “all practices aimed at destabilizing security and stability in violation of human and moral values ​​and principles”.

Queue- Qatar condemned the permission of the Swedish authorities to burn the Holy Quran and urged the international community to fulfill its responsibilities to reject hatred and violence.

Iran- Describing it as an attempt to incite hatred and violence against Muslims, Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani said that some European countries have been accused of promoting “extremist and fundamentalist elements to spread hatred against Islamic values ​​and values” under the false pretext of advocating freedom of speech. is permitted.”

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