Muslims Which prayer do Muslims recite during a Lunar eclipse

Muslims Which prayer do Muslims recite during a Lunar eclipse

Chandra Grahan In Islam: The last lunar eclipse of the year 2024 is going to take place on September 18, 2024. There are many beliefs in Hinduism regarding lunar eclipse and many measures are taken to avoid its negative effects. But you will be surprised to know that lunar eclipse is also mentioned in Islam and special measures have also been mentioned in this religion regarding eclipse.

Lunar eclipse in Islam (Chandra Grahan)
Lunar eclipse has special importance in Islam. Muslim people are advised to offer Namaaz during the eclipse. According to Islam, during lunar eclipse, people sit together in the mosque and offer Namaaz.

Prayer for lunar eclipse? (Salat al Kusuf)
In Islam, whenever there is a lunar eclipse, the prayers offered during that time are quite different from the prayers offered on normal days. The prayers offered during the lunar eclipse are called ‘Salat al Kusuf’. Muslims offer this prayer 5 times a day. This prayer is quite different from the daily prayers and is also longer.

During the Salat al Kusuf prayer, the worshipper bows his head to the ground and prays. At this time, the worshipper thanks Allah Ta’ala for His immense powers and His favours. By doing this, Allah Ta’ala showers His blessings on His servants during the lunar eclipse.

Who should read eclipse namaz?
According to Islam, it is not necessary for every Muslim to offer Namaaz during a lunar eclipse. Only those who have seen the moon during the eclipse are required to offer Namaaz. If someone sees the moon during the eclipse, he should go to the mosque and offer Namaaz until the effect of the eclipse is completely over. This is why this Namaaz is much longer than the daily Namaaz.

In Islam, the sun and the moon are symbols of Allah. Allah sends them so that people pray and the eclipse ends quickly. It is believed that during the eclipse, the person praying should face the Kaaba. This is because it is one of the pillars of Namaaz, without which it is not considered valid.

When did ‘Salat al Kusoof’ start?
According to Islam religion, it is believed that Prophet Muhammad’s son Ibrahim died during a lunar eclipse. Therefore, lunar eclipse is considered to be the reason for Ibrahim’s death.

Read this also- How long will the lunar eclipse last in America, what should Indians living there do today?

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