Myths Vs Facts: Can running too much damage your knees? Know the truth here

Myths Vs Facts: Can running too much damage your knees? Know the truth here

Did you know that when you walk, your knees bear about one and a half pounds of stress with every pound of your body weight? And when you run, this stress increases to four pounds. Our knees bear this shock with every step. For this reason, many people believe that running can damage the knees. They believe that running can break the cartilage (the cushion between the knees) and if there is already a problem, it can increase. But is this true? Let’s find out 

Dr. Chris Boon is a famous orthopedic surgeon, he and his team have done research on this. According to him, running in itself is not bad for the knees. But if the runners do not take precautions, then there can be pain in the knees. Running with good shoes is beneficial for health. Running daily increases the fluid in the knees, which keeps them lubricated and reduces the risk of arthritis. 

Know why there is pain in the knees 
However, this does not mean that runners cannot have knee pain. There are many reasons that affect the knees while running. If the hip or thigh muscles are weak, then the risk of knee injury increases. Excess weight also increases pressure on the knees, which increases the risk of injury. But losing weight can reduce the pressure on the knees. The most common injury in runners is patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). In this problem, there is pain below, above or in front of the knee. 

Know the right way to run

  • Suddenly running too much: If you have suddenly increased your running distance or time, this can be a major cause of injury. To improve this, gradually increase your running distance and time. This will give your knees time to adapt to the new pressure.
  • Strength training exercises: Do exercises to strengthen the core muscles (middle part muscles). This will keep your form correct while running and reduce the risk of knee injury. Strong muscles give better support to your knees.
  • Correct running technique: Use correct technique while running. Running in the wrong way puts more pressure on the knees. Keep your steps short and light while running.
  • Correct shoes: Always wear good quality running shoes, which give proper support to your feet and knees. Do not use old or worn-out shoes.

Know what is right
Running can be beneficial for your knees and health, provided you run properly and do not ignore the signs of pain. If you feel pain in your knees while running, take it seriously and stop running immediately.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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