Myths Vs Facts: Is it right to drink beer to avoid kidney stones, know what the experts say?

The problem of kidney stones has become common these days. Today, a large population is suffering from the problem of kidney stones. If the size of the kidney stone is small, then it passes out through the toilet, but if its size is large, then it can cause a lot of problems.

Does drinking beer remove kidney stones?

Strange things about kidney stones are also prevalent in our society. Some people say that if you drink beer in case of kidney stone, it will come out on its own. Due to this, there are some people who start drinking beer believing the hearsay. Now the question is, does something like this really happen?

This is the reason why kidney stones are formed

According to the news published in Network 18, according to Dr. Amarendra Pathak, Senior Consultant of Urology Department of ‘Sir Gangaram Hospital’, the kidney has two parts. Blood is filtered in one part and urine is collected in the other. The second part which contains urine is called pelvis, ureter and bladder.

When urine starts accumulating in this part, the chances of stone formation increase. Most of the stones are calcium stones. It is a little difficult to find out what causes stone formation. People drink less water and eat more high protein. In such a situation, kidney stones are inevitable. Those who have more calcium in their diet and it gets deposited in the urine, then stones are formed. 

What do health experts say?

Beer is primarily an alcoholic drink. Drinking it makes you urinate frequently. Many people might think that frequent urination will remove the stone. But no such study has found any proof so far. Doctors never advise kidney patients to drink beer. If a person has a problem of stone obstruction in the kidney, then there will be a frequent urge to defecate and the kidney will swell. In such a situation, the problem can become serious. In this situation, people are forbidden to drink beer."text-align: justify;">Health care company survey

Actually, during this research we came across a special kind of survey. It was written in this survey that a health care company named Pristine had conducted a survey. The most interesting thing that came out in this survey was that every third Indian believes that drinking beer removes kidney stones. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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