Nasa Asteroid Alert Today Two Huge Space Objects Arriving Closer To Earth

Nasa Asteroid Alert Today Two Huge Space Objects Arriving Closer To Earth

NASA Spots Asteroids: The US space agency has issued an alert on Thursday (August 1) about two huge meteors passing very close to the Earth. NASA has said that there is no danger from these two meteors at present. However, NASA says that this is the best opportunity to study meteors. Among these, meteor 2024 OE is as big as a building, while the size of the other meteor 2024 00 is equal to that of an airplane.

According to the Indian Express report, space agency NASA has also given information about the impact of both the asteroids on Earth. This is the second such incident in less than a month. In July, it was reported that scientists at the Southern California-based lab tracked two asteroids that were about to pass near Earth. One of them had a small moon orbiting around it, while the other was discovered only 13 days before reaching closest to Earth. However, such asteroids provide practice for planetary defense.

Is it a threat to the earth?

NASA officials say that there is no possibility of these meteors hitting the Earth. According to an official, we have been closely monitoring every moment of these meteors for many months and there is a possibility of them only passing close to the Earth and not hitting it. There is also no danger of destruction in this incident. He said that we are looking at this incident as an opportunity.

However, 13 days ago also we had captured similar events with the help of space camera, which can reveal the secrets of space. The study of these new meteors will also prove to be very useful for us.

Know what asteroids are?

According to NASA, asteroids are sometimes also referred to as small planets because they may be rocky remnants left over from the formation of our solar system 4 billion years ago. Asteroids are mostly found orbiting the Sun. If we talk about their size, the largest asteroid 4 Vesta has a diameter of about 530 kilometers, while the smallest may be less than 33 feet. The total mass of all asteroids is less than our moon.

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