National Bird Day 2024 Religious Birds Of Hindu Dharma And Name And Importance

National Bird Day 2024 Religious Birds Of Hindu Dharma And Name And Importance

National Bird Day 2024: The day the birds flying in the sky become extinct, humans will also become extinct from the earth. Therefore, with the aim of increasing awareness towards birds, expressing love and protecting endangered birds, January 5 is celebrated every year as National Bird Day. Even though it started in 2002, birds have had special significance in Sanatan Dharma since ancient times.

In Sanatan Dharma, many animals, birds, trees, rivers etc. are considered worshipable and sacred. Because in Hindu religion they are considered an important component for the protection of human existence. Along with trees, plants and rivers, there are many animals and birds too, in whose absence human existence can be in danger. But on Bird Day, we will discuss about some birds which have a special connection with Hindu religion. Among these, some birds are considered gods and some are considered the form of ancestors. Therefore, being a Sanatani, you should not only understand the importance of these birds but also respect them. Let us know about it in detail-

Peacock: In Hindu religion, peacock has the highest status among birds. Also it has been called the king of birds. This is the vehicle of Lord Kartikeya, son of Lord Shiva. Shri Krishna also always used to wear peacock feather in his crown. Also, keeping peacock feathers at home removes negative energy. All these show the importance of peacock.

Crow: Generally, the arrival of a crow at home is considered to be an indicator of the arrival of a guest. Crow is considered important in Shraddha Paksha. It is believed that by feeding a crow the ancestors are satisfied. Because they are considered to be the form of ancestors.

Swan: Swan is a bird where divine souls take shelter. It is believed that after death, virtuous souls remain in the swan’s womb for some time. After this she returns to the human form or goes to heaven.

Owl: Owl is the vehicle of Goddess Lakshmi. It is considered a factor of happiness and prosperity.

Garuda: Garuda has been called the king of birds, because he is the best among all the birds. A Purana (Garuda Purana) is named after Garuda.

Nilankath: Neeklanth bird is considered very auspicious in Hindu religion. It is said that its darshan brings good luck.

Parrot: Parrot is related to planet Mercury. Many stories related to parrots are also found in Puranas. The description of parrot is also found in the story of Panchatantra and Jataka Katha.

Pigeon: It is considered a symbol of peace. They are considered immortal. It is said that once when Lord Shiva was telling Mother Parvati the promise of becoming immortal in Amarnath, a pair of pigeons also heard this promise and became immortal. That is why even today pairs of pigeons are seen in the cave of Amarnath.

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