National Whipped Cream Day: Don’t eat whipped cream for fear of gaining weight? This air bubble food has no calories, eat vegan whipped cream tension free

National Whipped Cream Day: Don’t eat whipped cream for fear of gaining weight? This air bubble food has no calories, eat vegan whipped cream tension free

Be it a birthday or a party, the cake definitely comes and the heavy whipped cream in it makes the mouth water. Apart from cake, whipped cream is added to many desserts including cupcakes, milkshakes, hot chocolate, coffee, cheese cake, pudding, fruits. Its soft, creamy and light texture makes it very attractive to look at. 5th January To National Whipped Cream Day Celebrate as.

Nearly 500 Years Old Whipped Cream
Whipped cream is vanilla flavoured. This cream is whipped by adding sugar due to which it swells and looks heavy and soft. This cream became famous among the people in the 16th century but it was first mentioned in 1531 by the French writer François Rabelais in his writings. The recipe for making it was found in a book published in London in 1545, A Proper Newe Booke of Cokerye. Then it was called milk or cream snow. It was made from egg white, rose water and sugar. In this, foam like snow was formed on top, hence it was called cream snow. Until the 19th century, whipped cream was whipped with dry branches of trees. In 1629 it began to be called crème fouetté but in 1673 it was named whipped cream.

Whipped cream dairy product
There was a time when whipped cream was whipped with white eggs, but later cream made from milk started being whipped. It is now a famous dairy product. Many flavors like vanilla, coffee, chocolate, orange are made in it. When whipped cream became commercially available, January 5 became a day named after it. Actually, the birthday of Aaron Banni, owner of a famous company Ready Whip, falls on 5th January. He launched whipped cream in 1948 and gave a gift to the desert world. On December 30, 1984, a famous writer named Suzanne Dundon wrote an article in ‘The Philadelphia Inquirer’ in which it was suggested to celebrate January 5 as National Whipped Cream Day and this day was named after her.

Whipped cream was made popular by European countries (Image-Canva)

This is air bubble food
Food blogger Rohit Mavle says that whipped cream comes in the category of air bubble food. The trend of seeing bubbles in European cuisine started in 1650. When whipped cream is whipped, air gets trapped in it, hence before whipping the cream appears heavy but after that its texture appears fluffy. This air makes the cream floppy. Due to the presence of air bubbles, the cream looks good and attractive. General of Agricultural and Food Chemistry According to, there are many benefits of bubble food. Bubble food items have less calories, it improves heart health and does not cause forgetfulness like dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Vegan whipped cream option too
If there is heavy cream then whipped cream also has more calories. For those who are vegan or suffer from lactose intolerance, non-dairy whipped cream is also available. This vegan whipped cream was created by Ella Eaton Kellogg in 1904. It was made from almond butter. In 1945, whipped cream also started being made from soy milk. Nowadays it is also being made from coconut milk. Apart from being vegan, it is also healthy and low in calories, hence it does not increase weight.

Why is whipped cream added to cake?
The cake is light and airy in texture. Seeing the cake, everyone feels like eating it. There is a science behind its look. Whipped cream with air bubbles gives the cake a more soft, light and cloudy texture. Adding it enhances the flavor of the cake and by filling the whipped cream in several layers, many types of toppings can be added to it. Actually, this cream contains 30% fat due to which the cake remains in shape for a long time and its decoration looks good.

Whipped cream contains choline which helps in rapid brain development (Image-Canva)

Rich in calcium and vitamins
Whipped cream may contain fat but it contains good amount of calcium which is good for bone health. It is also rich in vitamins A, D, E and K. healthline According to a research published in, full fat dairy products reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In this study it was also said that there is no risk of obesity from them. Whereas eating less fat increases obesity rapidly. Research regarding the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet continued for 13 weeks. It was revealed that high fat diet reduces high blood pressure, reduces dangerous VLDL cholesterol and increases the level of good cholesterol HDL.

Happy hormones increase
Eating whipped cream releases a happy hormone called dopamine in the body, which improves mood and makes the person happy. Actually, whipped cream is beautiful to look at and creamy to eat, that is why it makes the mood happy. Many bakeries and coffee shops adopt this science and keep their customers happy with whipped cream.

Tags: food, food diet, Food Stories, Health, healthy food, Mental Health Awareness

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