Natural Ingredients To Add In Water For Taking Bath In Summer For Freshness

Summer Bathing Tips: As soon as summer starts, many problems start coming. The most common problem among these is skin problem. Often in summer, the problem of rashes, prickly heat, ringworm, itching, infection due to sweating persists. To get rid of this, people take bath several times a day. But the problem remains the same. If you also struggle with skin problems in summer and feel tired all the time, then we are telling you some ways, by adopting which you will feel fresh all the time by taking a bath and you will feel the pleasant smell. Let us know what is that method.

Leaves of the Neem tree-Whenever you take bath in summer, take bath after mixing neem leaves or neem oil in the bath water. By doing this your skin will remain healthy. Get rid of the problem of skin itching, boils, pimples, heat rash, rash, rashes occurring in summer. Because neem has anti bacterial and antiseptic properties which keep you away from these things.

rose petalsIf you take a bath by adding fresh rose leaves to the water before taking a bath, you will feel absolutely refreshed. Adding rose leaves to the bath water in summer gives a pleasant fragrance to the body and also helps in controlling the bad smell caused by sweat. You feel fresh all day long.

Jasmine flowersYou can also put jasmine flowers in the bath water. By doing this you will get a lot of peace. Very nice aroma will come from your body and when this happens your stress level will reduce automatically.

Turmeric –You can avoid many diseases by taking a bath with turmeric water in the summer season. Turmeric water has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, which keep your skin healthy. Get rid of summer skin problems like prickly heat, rash and pimples on the face. The problem of skin tanning is also reduced.

Milk-Bathing with milk mixed with water makes the skin shiny and healthy. Lactic acid and alpha deoxy acid found in milk removes the dead skin of the skin. It also heals the skin tanned by the sun and makes it beautiful.

read this also: Never wash your face with direct tap water… Not only skin, hair will also be damaged in this way

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