Neither sandalwood nor red sandalwood but African Blackwood is the most expensive wood in the world

Whenever you build a house, you think of installing the best furniture in it, but many of you work according to your budget. In India, sandalwood is considered to be the most expensive wood because it takes many years to plant one tree. Besides, it is used in many ways, that is why most people consider this wood to be the most expensive wood, but let us tell you that it is not so. The most expensive wood in the world is African black wood.

One of the most valuable things on earth
African black wood is one of the most expensive woods in the world. Besides, it is also considered one of the most valuable objects present on earth. The reason for which is that it is found very rarely in the world. Actually, African black wood is found only in 26 out of 197 countries in the world. Also, its tree takes 60 years to develop completely. Now very few African black wood trees are left. This is the reason why its prices are continuously increasing.

How much is the price?
Basically, the African Black Wood tree grows mostly in the central and southern parts of the African continent. The price of this wood is Rs 7 to 8 lakh per kg. You can buy a flat at the price of this wood. Apart from furniture, many musical instruments including Shehnai, flute are made from this wood. Everything made from it is very expensive. Rich people use this wooden furniture to make their house attractive.

Armed soldiers deployed in the forests
Obviously, considering the demand and price of this wood, it will have many enemies. Smugglers are smuggling this wood by cutting it before it becomes a tree, due to which armed forces have been deployed in countries like Kenya and Tanzania to protect African blackwood.

Also read: This is the narrowest river in the world, there is no need of a boat, it can be crossed only by jumping.

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