New research shows reducing screen time drastically improves your child’s mental well-being in just 2 weeks

New research shows reducing screen time drastically improves your child’s mental well-being in just 2 weeks

The use of digital devices is increasing continuously in our lives, which is also showing very bad results. Actually, humans are now connected to technology at every step. Now whether it is a matter of entertainment or information, it is impossible to move forward without digital devices. At the same time, it has become very difficult to spend free time without gadgets. Many times it happens that in the pursuit of entertainment, a person spends his entire time on gadgets and by the time he realizes, the day passes. Talking about spending time on gadgets, especially the screen time of children has increased a lot. Its effect is also visible on their social behavior. Let us tell you such a method, with the help of which the mental health of the child will improve in just two weeks.

This was the pre-digital era

People of the 80s and 90s will remember their time very well, which is also called the pre-digital era. At that time, children used to spend their energy playing outdoor games with friends. This kept children fit and healthy and they were also less prone to diseases. However, this is not the case now. Now children have gadgets, which help them pass their time comfortably and they do not even need to step out of their bedroom.

Bad effect on children

In the digital age, due to gadgets, children remain busy throughout the day and are exposed to all kinds of content. In such a situation, spending too much time on the screen is also deteriorating their mental health. In fact, the University of Southern Denmark has done a study, which states that if the screen time is reduced, then the mental health of children can be improved. The study also states that if the screen time of children is reduced by an average of three hours every week, then their behavior starts improving in the next two weeks.

This is how the child will improve

Usually, children entertain themselves by spending seven to eight hours on gadgets every day. During this time, they play games or watch movies. The study revealed that if this screen time is reduced to three hours, they become emotionally stable. If you try this process for just 14 days, then a big change starts to be seen. Actually, by reducing screen time, children start becoming more social, thoughtful and helpful to others. Apart from this, they also increase the frequency of conversations and meetings with their friends. Actually, children have energy all the time, which is not spent on using gadgets. In such a situation, they start getting upset due to excess energy. Due to less screen time, they start using their energy, the effect of which starts showing on their behavior.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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