New Study Reveals Why COVID-19 Often Causes Loss Of Smell

New Study Reveals Why COVID-19 Often Causes Loss Of Smell

Reason behind loss of smell in covid-19: Once again Corona is being discussed loudly everywhere. Corona continues to wreak havoc in China, whereas in India the central government is fully prepared regarding Corona. There is no need to be afraid of the new variant of Corona, but some things need to be kept in mind. When Corona started in the year 2020, till now we are hearing about its symptoms. Among the symptoms of corona, loss of smell (reason behind loss of smell in covid-19) is the most important, loss of taste. But have you ever wondered why the power of smell ends. Duke University’s researcher has recently revealed that after all because in Kovid people first lose their sense of smell.

The reason for the loss of smell in Corona

A research published in Science Translational Medicine magazine clearly states that the reason behind loss of sense of smell is our immune system. According to the researcher of Duke University, corona attacks our immunity and it also affects the respiratory tract. It completely affects the nerve cells attached to the nasal passage. When there is a corona, it continuously attacks our immunity system, due to which the person’s sense of smell is lost.

Nasal cells become inflamed

Actually what happens is that when there is a corona, the immune cells cause inflammation on the sensitive layer in the nose. Necessary sensory nerve cells are being cleaned from one side. By doing biopsy, the researcher found T-cells which are immune cells. Due to SARS-CoV-2, there is a continuous swelling in the cells associated with the nose. Due to which the power of smell goes away.

The power of smell is gone: Research

It has been clearly said in the research that people who suffer from corona for a long time. Many of them do not even regain their sense of smell and even if they do, they are unable to differentiate between fragrance and smell.

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