New Year 2023 Reason Behind New Year Celebration On 1st January Every Year

New Year 2023 Reason Behind New Year Celebration On 1st January Every Year

New Year 2023: year 2023 Preparations are going on in full swing for the launch. The new year brings a new hope and a ray of hope in life. Every year, by celebrating the night of 31st December, we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year on 1st January, but have you ever wondered why 1st January is considered as the first day of the year. Let us know how the new year started from January 1, what is the history of the new year.

Why celebrate new year on 1 January

Before 1582, the new year used to start on the spring season from March, then there were 10 months in the Roman calendar. Numa Pompilus, the king of Rome, changed the Roman calendar. After the eighth century BC, King Numa Pompilus added the months of January and February. The practice of celebrating the new year on January 1 started after the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1582 AD.

Gregorian calendar based on the sun wheel

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Roman ruler Julius Caesar changed the calendar. After this, Caesar himself announced the beginning of the new year from January 1. Earth revolves around the Sun for 365 days, 6 hours. In such a way, when the months of January and February were added, then it did not match with the calculation of the Sun, after which the astronomers studied it deeply. Any calendar is made based on the calculation of the sun cycle or the lunar cycle. There are 354 days in the calendar made on the lunar cycle. On the other hand, there are 365 days in the calendar made on the Sun cycle. The Gregorian calendar is based on the solar cycle. This calendar is used in most countries.

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