According to Hindustan Times report, Girls Will Be Girls actress-turned-producer Richa Chadha says that the Indian film scene needs to get rid of ‘labels’. Richa says, “A producer will say, it is an independent film. A financier will call it a festival film, multiplex film or blockbuster. There are also terms like parallel cinema or women centric. Many new genres are being invented every day. .”
According to the report, veteran actress Sharmila Tagore wants the audience to support small and independent films. Regarding this she says, “We say every year that we want good things, new things. So when these new films come, we should support them. Once the audience does this, then the industry will make more such good films.”
Mirzapur’s Guddu Bhaiya i.e. Ali Fazal Ali believes that filmmakers today are afraid of doing something new. “Not long ago, we had Fukrey, Kahaani, Masaan,” he says. All these films came at a time when there were audiences. He further said, “Even now, I think about everything that has happened in the last few years including the pandemic, it seems that everyone is scared.” , maybe we can try and move forward. ,
National Award winner Mansi Parekh has been doing wonders in Gujarati cinema in the last few years, but she does not like the tag of ‘regional cinema’. He believes that Indian cinema can be seen as a unit not only by outsiders but also by insiders.
Mansi says, “I would love to make a film in which he speaks in Tamil and I speak in Gujarati. This is how people talk in real life in India, where conversations happen in multiple languages. We come together, one -Understand others and figure out how to communicate.”
Ahsaas Channa says that we need to be more diverse in how the conventional Bollywood actress is presented. This actress will not be typecast.
“We always expect actresses or Bollywood heroines to be a certain type, to have a certain body and face,” says Ahsaas. “I think this makes mainstream Bollywood heroines and even heroes less diverse. I think there should be a change in this.”
Published at : 02 Jan 2025 11:43 AM (IST)