Not AB-AB or O, this is Bombay Blood, only 0.0004 percent people in the world belong to this group, what to do if blood is needed

Not AB-AB or O, this is Bombay Blood, only 0.0004 percent people in the world belong to this group, what to do if blood is needed

Delhi. The very well known and heard slogan is – blood donation – great donation. Saving the lives of the needy by donating blood is an act of virtue. Before donating blood, doctors check the blood group and decide whether the person can donate blood or not. Generally there are 4 types of blood groups: A, B, AB and O. It is either negative or positive. But do you know that there is another blood group – Bombay Blood Group, it is rare.

When the team of Local 18 asked Dr. Meenu Bajpai of the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, Delhi about this rare blood group, she told that this type of rare blood group is found in only 0.0004 percent of the population in the world. Only one person out of 10,000 people in India has Bombay blood group. It is also called HH blood type or the rare ABO blood group. This blood phenotype was first discovered by Dr. YM Bhende in Bombay in 1952.

What is special in Bombay blood group?
The red blood cells present in the blood of any human being contain sugar molecules. These sugar molecules decide what blood group a person will have. But, sugar molecules are not made in people with Bombay blood group. Therefore they do not come in any blood group. People of this blood group have antibodies A, B and H in their plasma.

Normal life on rare blood group
Despite being a rare blood group, people of this blood group live a completely normal life. They do not have any kind of physical problem. However, it is often seen that Bombay blood group is found only in people with close blood relations. There will be only 0.01 percent people having this phenotype in Mumbai. If the blood group of the parents is Bombay, there are chances that the blood group of the child will also be HH.

To whom can one give and from whom can one take blood?
People with this blood group can take blood only from other Bombay blood group people. Therefore, whoever donates blood of this blood group, it is stored. Bombay blood group is very rare, so finding a donor can be very difficult. Transfusing blood of any other group can put the life of a patient with Bombay blood group in danger.

importance of blood type
People should know their blood group, especially if their blood group is Bombay, as it can greatly affect the treatment in case of emergency or surgery. Blood type tests can determine the presence of A, B and H antigens on red blood cells. This allows healthcare professionals to provide appropriate care.

Tags: Blood Donation, Health, Latest Medical news, Local18

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