Not coriander or mint, make chutney with this fruit, it will make children strong and tastes great too

Not coriander or mint, make chutney with this fruit, it will make children strong and tastes great too

Bahraich: Chutney is eaten in different parts of India. No matter how the chutney is made, its flavor can double the taste of the food. Usually you must have eaten chutney made from green coriander and mint etc. But today we will tell you about a unique chutney. This chutney is prepared from things like apple, banana, kiwi, papaya, garlic, onion, ginger and dry fruits.

How is apple chutney made?
To make apple chutney, first of all good quality apples are selected. Then the apples are washed and divided into small pieces. After this, the peel and seeds are removed by rubbing. It is prepared by mixing banana, papaya, kiwi, garlic, onion, ginger and dry fruits in the apple.

apple chutney price
There is not much difference in the price of apple and apple. But the price of apple chutney is more than apple. Because it is prepared with dry fruits along with other fruits. You can use this chutney like jam. You can easily eat it with roti, paratha, bread. Its taste is also very amazing. You will get apple chutney here in Bahraich for up to Rs 300 per kilogram.

Read this also: Magic will happen as soon as you eat this dry fruit! Whether it is bone pain or heart disease, you can see improvement in health

Kids also like it very much
It takes a lot of effort to feed apples, bananas and dry fruits to children. But children eat apple chutney very easily. In this way, children get vitamins in fruits along with dry fruits.

Where to buy
This chutney is prepared in Bahraich itself, which is prepared by not just one but many groups of women together. By making this special chutney, women are also being helped to become self-reliant.

Tags: Food 18, Local18

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