Not only bomb threat, these small things also cause emergency landing of the plane

Not only bomb threat, these small things also cause emergency landing of the plane

There are constant threats to blow up passenger planes with bombs. On Sunday, 25 passenger planes had to make emergency landing only because they were threatened with bombs. If we talk about the last 7 days, about 90 planes have received bomb threats and this trend is continuing.

Not only are the passengers getting troubled due to emergency landing, but there is a feeling of insecurity within them. is also being born. Let us know today in this article whether an emergency landing is made to a plane only when there is a bomb threat or it happens in some other circumstances also.

Under what circumstances does an emergency occur? Landing

Safety is of paramount importance in the airline industry and it is necessary to find a quick solution to any emergency situation. In such a situation, whenever a plane faces any crisis in which the lives of the passengers may be in danger, the plane is immediately made an emergency landing. Let us now know under what other circumstances apart from bomb threat, emergency landing is done.

This happens in these circumstances also

Engine Problem

If there is a technical fault in the plane’s engine, such as an engine shutting down or any unusual noise coming from the engines, the pilot must immediately make an emergency landing. May have to be repaired.

Electrical failure

Apart from engine problems, if there is any fault in the plane’s electrical system, such as the navigation lights. Even if you stop working, you may have to make an emergency landing. If this is not done, the pilot may face difficulty in landing in the right direction.

Pilot’s health condition

Apart from the technical problem of the plane. Due to the health condition of the pilot, emergency landing is done many times. Understand it this way, if a pilot suddenly suffers a heart attack or his health becomes so bad that he loses consciousness, then the co-pilot has to make an emergency landing to land the plane safely.

Weather disturbances

If ever the plane suddenly faces heavy rain, snowfall or strong winds, the pilot may have to make an emergency landing. This is because taking the decision of emergency landing in case of bad weather is not only necessary for the safety of the passengers, but also prevents damage to the aircraft.

Lack of fuel >

If the fuel in a passenger aircraft reaches dangerous levels due to some technical problem, i.e. starts depleting rapidly, then the pilot has to decide on emergency landing to land at a safe place.


What is the process of emergency landing?

It is not that the pilot takes the decision of emergency landing on his own. For this a process has to be followed. For example, if a pilot has to make an emergency landing, he first contacts ATC (Air Traffic Control) and informs him about the situation. After this ATC understands the seriousness of the situation and assists the pilot and gives instructions for safe landing. Before emergency landing, the pilot also informs the passengers and crew so that there is no panic situation.

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