Not Studying Throwing Bombs Big Talent Know About The Education Minister Of Taliban Who Banned The Education Of Girls

Not Studying Throwing Bombs Big Talent Know About The Education Minister Of Taliban Who Banned The Education Of Girls

Taliban Education Minister: Taliban has banned girls from taking higher education. Protests have also taken place in many places in the country against this. Taliban college going boys have also boycotted their classes. Taliban Education Minister Nida Mohammad Nadeem has said in an interview to an Afghan TV channel that education of girls is against Islam and Afghan values.

In a recent meeting, he said that the merit of a Taliban fighter should not be measured by how educated he is, but by how many bombs he has dropped.

Taliban went back 20 years

This decision of Taliban has put Afghanistan back by almost 20 years. This decision of Taliban is being condemned globally. Muslim countries are also questioning this decision. However, Education Minister Nida Mohammad Nadeem has made it clear that the Taliban will not withdraw this decision. He said, ‘Even if you drop the atom bomb, the Taliban will implement this decision.’

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Who is Nida Mohammed Nadeem

Nida has also been the commander of Taliban’s military. He has not been educated much. In 2001, when the US had driven the Taliban out of power and reformed the education policy, Nadeem had openly opposed it. After this he had opened many madrasas. After this he had joined the Taliban. Nadeem is considered special to the Supreme Leader of the Taliban, Haibatullah Akhundzada. When the Taliban returned to power last year, Nadeem was made the governor of the Nangarhar region. According to media reports, after becoming the governor of Nangarhar province, Nadeem had also ordered Taliban fighters to kill people. Nadeem’s order was to kill anyone who opposes the Taliban.

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