Now searching everything on Google will not be free, working on an AI Plan

Now searching everything on Google will not be free, working on an AI Plan

Google: Google Search is the world’s most popular search engine. Because of this search engine, the problems of crores of people get solved in a jiffy, because they find the solution to their problems in Google search. For this they do not need to spend even a single rupee. This is the reason why Google has become an important part of human life, but just imagine how much money you will spend in a day if you have to spend money to search anything on Google.

Google’s new rule

Actually, something similar is being planned. It is possible that in the future it will not be free for users to charge anything on Google. Users may have to pay money for that. Google is working on an AI based search feature, after its completion and launch, Google can ask its users to charge for AI Google Search.

Google is not lagging behind in the growing race of AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence. Google has already introduced AI based chatbot model Gemini in the market, but now Google is working on a plan to include AI technology in its search engine also.

Company working on AI Google search

According to the report of The Financial Times, Google is going to introduce AI technology in its search engine, after which users may have to spend money even for searching Google. It is being said in the report that the feature of AI generative Google search can be added to the company’s Google One subscription plan. However, searching anything in Google search can remain free without using AI feature.

Till now, if you search anything on Google, you do not have to spend money for it, but sometimes along with your search results, ads of different companies and their products are also visible. Many users do not want to see these Google advertisements, but still they have to see them, because Google earns its revenue through those advertisements.

In such a situation, after the launch of Google AI Search, it is possible that Google may not show any advertisement in this paid service. However, Google has not given any official information about AI Google Search and the charges for it.

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