Now through blood test you will know whether you are getting enough sleep or not, know how.

Now through blood test you will know whether you are getting enough sleep or not, know how.

Lack of Sleep: Lack of sleep can cause many serious health problems. Because of this there is a risk of many dangerous diseases. Health experts also recommend taking proper sleep every day, because not sleeping properly can cause many problems like body pain, fatigue, weight gain and stress. There is a risk of diabetes due to this. Serious problems like heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, stroke, obesity and depression can also occur. Road accidents are also increasing due to lack of sleep. To prevent this, scientists have discovered a new method to detect lack of sleep. In which blood test will be able to know whether a person has slept in 24 hours or not.

Why is lack of sleep dangerous?

According to experts from Monash University in Australia and Birmingham University in Britain, lack of sleep can increase the risk of serious illness or even death. In the study report published in Science Advance Journal, it has been told that for this, a bio marker test has been invented, which can find out whether a person has slept in 24 hours or not. Claire Anderson, professor of sleep and circadian science at Birmingham University, Britain, said that this is a really great discovery. With this, health can be improved by detecting sleep.

How many road accidents are caused by lack of sleep?

According to a report, 20 percent of all road accidents occurring across the world are occurring due to lack of sleep. Researchers hope that with this discovery, drivers who are driving due to lack of sleep can be identified and treated, and accidents can also be prevented.

How will the blood test work?

Claire Anderson said that driving after less than 5 hours of sleep is dangerous. Some people drive even after being awake for 24 hours. This is even more dangerous than drinking and driving. Our blood test and research can be important in this direction. This test can also be used for forensic use in future. However, verification is still needed. The biomarker test for lack of sleep is based on being awake for 24 hours or more. It can detect wakefulness for up to 18 hours.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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