Oh my God! This person puts his hands in boiling oil and takes out mangoes, the shop is 105 years old This person puts his hands in boiling oil and takes out mangoes, the shop is 105 years old

Oh my God! This person puts his hands in boiling oil and takes out mangoes, the shop is 105 years old This person puts his hands in boiling oil and takes out mangoes, the shop is 105 years old

Jabalpur. If you hear the name of Jabalpur’s ‘Deva Mangode’, your mouth starts watering. This name is as famous in Jabalpur as it is in Madhya Pradesh. But you will be surprised to know that how are Mangodes taken out from hot boiling oil, the answer will be with Kalchuri. But no, this person from Jabalpur does not take out Mangodes with Kalchuri. He takes out Mangodes by putting his hand in boiling oil.

Deva Mangode’s shop in Jabalpur is 105 years old, but the taste is still the same as it was 105 years ago. This shop is being managed by Atul Jain of the fourth generation. Earlier this shop was started in 1918 by late Kanchhedi Jain. At that time, 50 grams of mangode used to be available for 10 paise. After late Kanchhedi Jain, Dalchand Jain and then Devendra Kumar Jain ran the shop. Now the fourth generation Atul Jain has taken charge of this shop.

Mangodes are taken out by putting hands in boiling oil
While talking to Local 18, Atul Jain told that this tradition has been going on since the beginning. Where this method is adopted for worship before frying mangodes in the shop and while opening the mangodes, the hand is dipped in the oil. He has learned this skill from his father. Atul tells that politics is also connected to mangodes, whenever a minister comes to Jabalpur, he definitely comes to the shop to enjoy mangodes. However, many ministers including former Union Minister Sharad Yadav have come to the shop.

Mangodes are made without garlic and onion
Atul Jain tells that Mangode is prepared without onion and garlic. Atul’s aunt grinds the masala and lentils on a grinding stone in 5 hours. It takes about 5 hours to prepare the masala and chutney for Mangode, the masala is prepared from 8 am to 1 pm. After the Mangode masala is prepared, it is taken to the shop. Where hot Mangode are taken out. The chutney is also liked a lot. Sweet-sour and tomato chutney is given with Mangode.

Tags: Jabalpur news, Latest Hindi News, Local18, Mp news

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