OMG: 1294 KG car pulled with the help of shoulder bones, Sagar’s youth made a record in Italy

Anuj Gautam / Sagar: A young man from Sagar of Bundelkhand has achieved a new world record by reaching Italy. On April 18, 2023, on Italy’s Canal-5 channel, on the famous show “Lo show di record”, this young man pulled a heavy car by trapping a rope between his two shoulder blades.

In this show of Guinness World Record in Italy, Abhishek has created a new record by breaking his previous world record. In this show, Abhishek set a new world record by pulling a 1294 kg cart over 15 feet. The show was hosted by Italy’s famous TV host and former MP Gary Scotti. During this, the Vice President of Guinness World Records, Macron Fregatti and Lorenzo Veltri were present along with Gary Scotti.

The program aired on 18 April
In February 2023 this year, Abhishek was invited to the show. It was shot in Milan city of Italy in February and aired this week on 18 April. Where Abhishek was accompanied by some of the world’s best world record holders, in which the world’s best record holders including Spain, Argentina, America, Pakistan, England, Romania, Japan, Italy were invited.

made many records before
Abhishek, who lives in Sagar’s Rajiv Nagar Colony, Tili Ward, made the first world record in 2017 by pulling a 1070 kg cart with shoulder blades. Now Abhishek has broken it by pulling a 1294 kg cart in Italy. With this, Abhishek has created a new world record in 2018 by breaking the record of China’s Feng Yixi by lifting 55.4 kg from shoulder blades. Abhishek Choubey, 25, has done B.Com from Arts and Commerce College and is a member of Gaur Youth Forum.

Tags: Guinness World Records, Mp news, sagar news

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