OMG: 9 feet bananas in this field, farmer was shocked to see them for the first time, earning 20 lakhs annually

OMG: 9 feet bananas in this field, farmer was shocked to see them for the first time, earning 20 lakhs annually

Sitamarhi. You must have seen and heard a lot about banana farming. You must have seen banana trees too. But have you seen a 9 feet long banana tree? You might not have seen it. But a farmer from Sitamarhi is cultivating bananas like this. Every tree of his has 7 to 9 feet long banana trees hanging from it. People come from far and wide to see it. The farmer is earning 20 lakh rupees annually from this farming.

This farmer Surendra Singh, who lives in Sitamarhi district, cultivates bananas on a large scale. The special thing is that he grows bananas up to 9 feet. You may not have seen such a long banana tree. You can see it in the video. This banana tree is two to two and a half feet taller than the farmer. However, the farmer does not even know the name of which variety of banana it is. The farmer tells that he had ordered plants from many states including Kerala, Kolkata, Hajipur. This plant came out of them.

50 bananas in a basket
Surendra Singh Kushwaha is a resident of Ratwada village of Sitamarhi. He has named this banana as Kalashsthanni himself. This one 6 to 9 feet long ghavad contains more than 50 dozen bananas. The farmer told that it takes 18 months to get ready. This special banana has been produced in three bighas of land at present. The length of its plant is 13 feet. Surendra cultivates banana in a total of 6 bighas, in which three bighas are this and three bighas are growing different types of bananas. The price of one ghavad of big bananas ranges from 1400 to 2 thousand. If taken per dozen in wholesale rate, it is sold for 40 to 50 rupees.

Earning 20 lakhs in a year
The plant that grows from the root of this banana is also sold for Rs 100 per piece. When Surendra started banana farming, he brought banana plants from different states of the country. This one turned out to be the best among them. Surendra says that I was also shocked to see such a long tree. About 80 thousand rupees are spent on one bigha and four lakh rupees are earned from it. In this way, they earn more than 20 lakh rupees a year.

FIRST PUBLISHED : June 18, 2024, 20:38 IST

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