OMG! Innocent fell into a deep well while playing, aunt jumped to save him, everyone was surprised to see his courage

OMG!  Innocent fell into a deep well while playing, aunt jumped to save him, everyone was surprised to see his courage

Report: Ramkumar Nayak

great sea: A one and a half year old innocent fell into a deep well in Gariaband of the district, but due to the courage of his aunt, his life was saved. Bua jumped into the well without caring for her life. By then the child’s stomach was full of water and the breath was almost stopping. The child was turned upside down and the water filled in his stomach was taken out. After this, the child was given breath through the mouth, only then his heartbeat started again. However, the child’s condition is still not completely well. In view of which he has been referred to Raipur from the district hospital.

There was a stir in the Dhruv family of Kergaon when the grandmother saw that one and a half year old innocent Harsh had fallen into the well and was sobbing. Grandma started crying after seeing him. When the child’s mother came running, she too could not understand anything. On shouting, some other people reached. Everyone was scared to see the deep well. Meanwhile, Gayatri Dhruv, the child’s aunt, without caring for her own life, jumped into a well 20 feet deep and started searching for the child in the well despite it being dark.

Saved life by giving mouth to mouth breath
Gayatri Dhruv, the courageous aunt of the innocent child, told that on finding the child below, his breath was almost stopping. Stomach and chest were filled with water. By turning the child upside down, the water came out by pressing the stomach. Even then the breath did not start, then after giving breath to the child through the mouth and pressing it several times in the lungs, more water came out. Then somehow the child’s breathing started after a lot of effort. When other people threw the rope from above, she wrapped the child with her and came up herself.

aunt’s broken leg
Till then people called 108 ambulance. Showing readiness, EMT of 108 immediately reached the spot and while giving first aid, brought the child to Gariaband district hospital. While giving oxygen to the child, the doctors referred him to Raipur when he was in critical condition due to water filling in his lungs. At the same time, the sad thing is that due to jumping in the well, the leg of the courageous aunt was broken, which has been admitted for treatment in Gariaband.

Tags: chhattisgarh news, Mahasamund News

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