OMG: Nerves of the brain burst as soon as you sneezed! Three surgeries had to be done, then life was saved

If you also try to stop sneezing then be careful. This can prove fatal. You can become deaf and even the nerves of the brain can explode. This happened with an American man. Was sneezing again and again. Troubled by this, he tried to stop sneezing. Then suddenly there was such a strong sneeze that the nerves of the brain burst. Bleeding started in the brain. It seemed impossible to escape now. This person had to undergo three surgeries, only then his life was saved.

26-year-old Sam Messina, a resident of Alabama city, told that he was lying on the bed. Was sneezing again and again. Many times he tried to stop sneezing. But suddenly I sneezed very fast and there was an explosion in the veins of the brain and the arteries burst. The explosion was so strong that bleeding started in the head. Blood started flowing from the nostrils. I also had a stroke and fell unconscious. At that time I should have died but thank God I survived.

my brain was bleeding
Messina told that before fainting he called his mother. Told my girlfriend, who took me to the hospital. When the doctors saw it, they were surprised. I was bleeding from my brain. There was no facility for such treatment in that hospital, so in emergency he was sent to another hospital. Surgery was done thrice in a week. Took 27 stitches. After spending a month in the ICU of the hospital, the condition improved. Even now the condition has not improved much. Sometimes dizziness comes.

victim of arteriovenous malformation
According to doctors, this man was born with a malformation called Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM). Most of the people have this problem. It is also called aneurysmal malformation. When blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain become entangled, that is, an abnormal connection is formed in them, then a blood clot is formed. Due to sharp sneezing, this clot exploded and the arteries burst. This is a fatal condition. That means death can happen.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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