OMG! Pig’s kidney transplanted into a human, such a miracle happened for the first time in the world

OMG!  Pig’s kidney transplanted into a human, such a miracle happened for the first time in the world

Pig Kidney Transplant into Human: A big miracle has happened in the medical sector. This is the first time in the world that a gene-edited pig’s kidney has been transplanted into a human. This feat has been done by the doctors of Massachusetts Hospital in America. On the 16th of this month, doctors in Boston city transplanted the kidney of a person named Richard Slyman, who is 62 years old. The expectations of millions of people have increased after this news came to light. In fact, today kidneys are deteriorating rapidly in the world. In such a situation, kidney transplant cannot be done without a match. In such a situation, this research is being considered no less than a miracle.

Pig kidney transplanted into humans

According to reports, Richard has been suffering from diabetes for a long time. His kidney got damaged. After being on dialysis for about 7 years, he was given a human kidney transplant in the same hospital in 2018, but it failed within 5 years.

Which pig’s kidney was transplanted

The pig kidney into which Richard has been transplanted has been developed at the Eugenesis Center of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Doctors had removed that gene from this pig, which could pose a threat to humans. Besides, some human genes were also added, which increased its capacity. Egenesis company also deactivated those viruses from pigs, which could cause infection to humans. In this way, the pig kidney that was saved through engineering has very few pig qualities left.

Great hope for kidney failure patients

In the report published in Nature Journal, it was told that this kind of experiment has been done before also. For the first time, such a genetically modified kidney was fitted into a monkey, which survived for 176 days. In another case he was kept alive for more than two years. It is being considered a boon for kidney failure patients. Let us tell you that if this type of kidney transplant is completely successful then it will be no less than a medical miracle. Because in America alone, 1 lakh people are in line for organ transplant. In which most of the patients are undergoing kidney transplant.

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